Borrower Insurance

Borrower Insurance at KT Assur&Bank: Secure Your Loan, Protect Your Future

When you take out a loan, whether to buy a house, a car or to finance a personal project, borrower insurance becomes a key element to guarantee the security of your investment and your family. At KT Assur&Bank, we understand the importance of this security. This is why we offer you borrower insurance solutions adapted to your needs and your situation, so that you can borrow with complete peace of mind.

Personalized Coverage for Each Borrower

Our borrower insurance covers the risks linked to the inability to repay the loan in the event of accidents in life: death, total and irreversible loss of autonomy, temporary incapacity for work and permanent disability.

Then, with the certificate of equivalence of guarantees, you are sure to obtain a contract at least as good as that of your bank and which it will not be able to refuse!

Main Guarantees:

  • Death: Repayment of the remaining capital due in the event of the borrower's death.
  • PTIA (Total and Irreversible Loss of Autonomy): Coverage of the loan balance in the event of total dependency.
  • ITT (Total Temporary Incapacity to Work): Coverage of loan payments during periods of incapacity to work.
  • Permanent Disability: Partial or total repayment of the loan depending on the degree of disability.

The best price
Save up to €10,000* by taking advantage of a loan insurance rate adapted to your situation.

Simplified procedures
With the termination mandate, changing loan insurance has never been easier: the insurer takes care of all the procedures with your bank.

Change your insurance at any time
Whether you are about to sign your loan offer or in the process of repaying it, it is always the right time to change your borrower insurance!

Why Choose KT Assur&Bank for Your Borrower Insurance?

  • Flexibility: Our offers are customizable according to the amount of your loan and your profile, thus ensuring you the best protection at the best cost.
  • Expert Advice: Our advisors are there to guide you in choosing your borrower insurance, ensuring that your coverage meets your needs precisely.
  • Simplicity: Subscription is quick and easy, with simplified procedures to allow you to focus on your project.
  • Competitive Rates: We are committed to offering you advantageous solutions, so that your borrower insurance is not a financial burden.

Your Project Deserves the Best Protection

With KT Assur&Bank, commit to your life projects with confidence, knowing that you and your family are protected against the hazards of life. Our borrower insurance is there to offer you this peace of mind, by guaranteeing the repayment of your loan in difficult times.

Contact KT Assur&Bank today to find out how our borrower insurance can help you secure your loan and protect your future.

To receive your free, personalized quote as quickly as possible, please fill out the form below. 

If necessary, do not hesitate to contact one of our advisors to find the best coverage that meets your expectations.

Phone : 09 84 47 13 90